Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Early Spring Photos

Hard Red Spring Wheat planted late last fall

Hard Red Wheat; high in protein typically ground into flour for breads

Wheel Line Sprinklers tossed and tangled by Treasure Valley wind storms


  1. I don't know much about agriculture (you've already taught me a few things!) but I like your pictures! I'll keep reading! ~Kelsey

  2. Thanks! I'll try to keep it interesting and keep posting pictures of unique crops as they grow.

  3. I'm excited to be your first follower! And, I'm even more excited to learn about agriculture - for real! I'm very interested in the concept of genetically altered food, and practices prominent in the U.S. versus other countries. For example, I recently read Russia will no longer be importing U.S. chicken because of the bleaching process (I think it was bleaching). Anyway, I thought, wow, but we're still eating it?
